Tree -Polar Express & Candy Cane Mittens Red Cuffs & Hang
Togetherness Tree -Polar Express - {Boujee Baby} MP
The Togetherness Tree for them at Kidoodled plays the song
Polar Express
Click the Star to start/stop music
click the base to menu resize
For : all
Candy Cane Mittens Red Cuffs & Hang - {Boujee Baby}
1 pair of mittens (suggest alpha off hands, these were sized on TD BABY but have built in menu resizer
1 pair of mittens attached to a string for wearing around your neck, so you dont lose your mittens
For: TD,Bebe
Thanks ♥
Shoes : Fur Boots {pink}{with & w/o Ribbon} - ! {sps}
Outfit : Santa Dress - Pink - * {.:Little Stars.:} *